Natalia Rzepniewska, student of BUT and Glocal summer school, represented the Glocal project at the Conference in Cracow


Natalia Rzepniewska, a student of PB and the Glocal summer school, presented a presentation entitled “Green bus stops in the landscape of a historic town – Supraśl” at the international scientific conference “Resilient cultural landscapes – methods, applications and patterns”. The XXIX THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON THE ART. OF GARDENING AND HISTORICAL DENDROLOGY took place on November 3-4, 2022 at the Cracow University of Technology. The conference was attended by representatives of numerous Polish and foreign universities, state institutions and companies.

The annual international conference was organized by Chair of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Architecture Cracow University of Technology and Section of Art and Garden Architecture of the Commission of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow and European Route of Historic Gardens 

Dear Natalia, thank you for representing us on the international forum 🙂 We wish you further success 🙂

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